Print this information and give to your teen so he or she will know what to do if involved in an accident.

Teen Driving Contract

What to do if you’re in an accident:

  1. Stop. If you leave the site of an accident you could be charged with a “hit and run”—regardless of whether or not you think it’s your fault. Wait for the police to arrive — especially if someone is hurt.
  2. Exchange information with all parties involved in the accident, including: names and driver’s license numbers, vehicle identification numbers, name and contact information of the car owners, plus insurance company names, addresses and policy numbers. If possible, take pictures of the accident scene.
  3. If you hit a parked car and its driver is not around, you may not leave the scene of the accident until you have left a note in a conspicuous place that includes your name, address, explanation of the accident, and the name and address of your car’s owner. If you don’t, you could be charged with a “hit and run.”

Teen Driver Accident Record Information

Vehicle: Year: Make/Model:
Color: VIN: License:
Driver name:
Contact information:
Driver’s License #:
Insurance name:
Agent name:
Phone number:
Policy number:
Incident: (location, date and time of accident)

Other Driver Accident Record Information

Vehicle: Year: Make/Model:
Color: VIN: License:
Driver name:
Contact information:
Driver’s License #:
Insurance name:
Agent name:
Phone number:
Policy number:
Incident: (location, date and time of accident)

Teen Driving Contract